Flea Market at Jeff Church

Past event
May 28, 2022, 8 AM to 4 PM

The Jeff Church will be providing flea market indoor and outdoor spaces for May 28th. Those wishing to be outdoors will need to furnish their own tables and/or tents (10x10 max) We will line up all around the church, facing the sidewalk, including the side porch. Indoor spaces will come with tables and chairs. All Flea Marketers welcome, but we will be limiting the number of local vendors. Here is your chance to profit from your Spring cleaning.. All spots are $25.00 each with payment at time of reserving and we will do the advertising. FCFS Email for application or for more information.

Now, if you have stuff but don't want to bother with setting up a sale, the church will be collecting items for theie two day Labor Day sale in September. The contact for this event will be Becky Ainsworth at 644-8827.


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