You can find the Selectboard agenda on the website here: Please note that the liquor control meeting will be right before the SB meeting.
Here's the agenda, plus the zoom link for the meeting (you might need a passcode to enter):
Town of Isle La Motte
Liquor Control Board Meeting
April 4, 2022
5:00 p.m. Town Office @ School
1. Additions/deletions
2. Approve liquor license
3. Adjourn
Town of Isle La Motte
Select board Meeting
April 4, 2022
5:00 p.m. Town office @ School
1. Additions/deletions to agenda
2. Executive session if needed.
3. Marlena Valanta – NWRPC (Zoom) Working Communities Challenge Project Manager.
4. Approval of minutes
5. Warrants for payroll & payables.
6. Monthly budget and balance.
7. Road commissioner report.
8. Appointed positions: Social Services Officer, Forest Fire Warden, VT. Green Up Chair, Northwest VT. Solid Waste.
9. Approval of Zoom.
10. Approve warning for ratification of the Town meeting.
11. CUD update.
12. Plate compactor- grant.
13. Discussion on seasonal rental of town site.
14. Green up day discussion- Anne & Alex.
15. Other business.
16. Adjourn.
Topic: April 4, 2022 Liquor Control & Selectboard Meeting
Time: Apr 4, 2022 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 984180
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Meeting ID: 839 6312 5667
Passcode: 984180
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