Lamoille County Forester to Speak on Invasive Plants

Past event
Apr 9, 2022, 4 to 5:30 PM

"Knot in Hyde Park" is gearing up for the knot-weed-eradicating season! To help kick things off, our neighbors in Johnson have very nicely arranged a talk on Invasive Plants by the Lamoille County Forester, Emily Potter. It's a virtual presentation through the Johnson Library on April 9, from 4-5:30 PM. To sign up please contact the Johnson Library either at 635-7141 or email them at

Hope you can make it. The more people who know about Invasive Plants the better our chances of controlling their spread.

"Knot in Hyde Park" is a group of volunteers concerned with the spread of Japanese Knotweed in Hyde Park. If you're interested in being involved e-mail us at

Hope to see you -- virtually -- at the Johnson Library on April 9. Thanks.

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