The Vermont Physicians for a National Health Program is sponsoring a virtual forum Tuesday, April 5 at 7 PM concerning the privatization of Medicare. Instead of improving Medicare by reducing deductibles or copays, creating a cap on out-of-pocket expenses, or adding hearing , vision or dental coverage, Medicare is is in the process of eliminating traditional Medicare as we know it by 2030. Legally, but without the consent of patients nor the approval of Congress, it is being turned over to venture capital and other firms who seek to make a profit. More profit for them can only mean less medical care for us.
To learn more about this plan, and its impact on current Medicare beneficiaries and taxpayers, register in advance for "Protecting Medicare from Wall Street" at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to join the meeting via Zoom.
Our 25-minute presentation will be followed by the opportunity to ask questions, and discuss how to preserve Medicare for the future by limiting the profit motive.
If you are unable to attend but want to learn more, check out this website:
Please stand up with us to protect Medicare.
Betty Keller, MD, President of Vermont Physicians for a National Health Program (VT PNHP)
For more information, email
Ted Cody, MD, VT PNHP Secretary
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