Pop-Up Soap Carving at Birds of Vermont Museum

Past event
Apr 13, 2022, 1 to 2:30 PM

Stop by and try your hand at soap carving. Super easy to get started!
Instructions, tools and materials provided. 

Masks recommended (keeps soap out of your nose, too).
All ages • Great for kids on their early dismissal days

Stop by at 1:00pm or at 1:45pm

Pre-registration is optional but very helpful. Call 802 434-2167 or visit https://birdsofvermont.org/event/pop-up-soap-carving-april2022/

Included with Museum admission; donations welcome.

Birds of Vermont Museum
900 Sherman Hollow Road • Huntington, Vermont 05462 USA
(802) 434-2167 • museum@birdsofvermont.orghttps://www.birdsofvermont.org

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