Eden Central Preschool Program
Developmental Screenings and Registration for Preschool
Are you interested in sending your child to public preschool in the fall? Will your child be turning 3 or 4 by September 1, 2022? Eden Central School Preschool Program will offer two developmental screenings and we invite you to make an appointment.
Who: Residents of Eden (Children who turn three or four before September 1, 2022).
What: Preschool Developmental Screening
When: Monday, April 4th from 8:00am-10:00am & May 12th from 4:00pm-6:00pm.
Where: Eden Central School
How: To make an appointment with Jerri Hurlburt, call 802- 521-5501.
At the screening, parents will fill out paperwork regarding their child's development. Parents will have a chance to ask questions about their child's development. Educators will interact with the children in a play setting to gain information about each child's development in the areas of cognitive, motor, communication and social-emotional development.
Please contact director/teacher Carrie Bullard at 521-5530 or cbullard@edenschool.net with questions.