Shine a Healing Light Creative Workshop

Past event
Apr 28, 2022, 4:30 PM

Space is limited for this wonderful workshop:
SHINE A HEALING LIGHT on our Collective COVID Experiences (A Creative, Collaborative Workshop)

• WH0: 10-12 adult members or our extended community
• WHERE: Charlotte Congregational Church Gallery, 403 Church Hill Rd., Charlotte, VT
• WHEN: Thursdays, 4/21, 28, 5/5 and 5/12 with Exhibition and Reception on Sunday afternoon, 5/15
• WORKSHOP CREDO: "Everyone is talented and something important to say." -Brenda Ueland, from If You Want to Write: A Book About Art, Independence and Spirit, 1938.
• HOW MUCH?: $50.00 for four sessions; sliding scale and scholarship options are available. Art materials are included in the cost. To request a scholarship or reduced fee, please contact Rev, Kevin Goldenbogen
• TO SIGN UP: Kim Findlay, CCC Administrative Assistant,

DESCRIPTION: Through art and writing, we will reflect on the COVID pandemic experience, both from individual and collective perspectives. By using the process of creative expression in multiple mediums, we aspire to gain enlightened understandings of the events of the past two years. By spending time together making and sharing art and poetry, we hope to open channels of healing for ourselves and those around us.

This workshop is designed to be interactive and self-directed. Conversation and informal exchanges set the tone. The facilitators will bring a variety of activities to help shape the sessions. Poetry, word play, collage, montage: writing, cutting, drawing, painting, placing and gluing words and images on paper-all are possible and invite endless forms fueled by your inspiration and imagination. The culmination of your work will be an exhibit and reception on the afternoon of Sunday, May 15 in the church vestry gallery. To further promote community discussion, the exhibit could be mounted at locations around town as a visible reminder of the strength and resilience of our community. Please consider joining us in this inspiring exploration.

Workshop Facilitators: Linda Reynolds, Artist and Art Teacher and Melanie Stultz-Backus, Teacher of Writing and Literature

See Poster Here:

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