Releasing the Past - Embracing the Future with Shamanic Sound Healing

Past event
Sep 14, 2013, 10 AM

** Take advantage of this excellent training with two excellent Shamanic trainers! SUCH a deal! ~ Terrie **

Releasing the Past - Embracing the Future with Shamanic Sound Healing

Throughout time indigenous people have been using sound to assist in healing and to powerfully shift perception and patterns. In this one day workshop, participants will learn how to use the drum to release anxiety, depression (especially useful for children) and patterns of congested energy.

Stone tapping was used in the deep jungles of Peru to realign and penetrate disjointed energy. Stone tapping techniques, that open and support the skeletal and chakra systems, will be demonstrated and taught. We also are offering a ceremony called "Releasing the Skins of Limitations" intended to gently support the breaking free of those things that limit us.

Participants are encouraged to bring a frame drum and two tapping stones. The stones are found out in nature in a prayerful way and large enough to make a resonant sound.

This workshop will be held at:
Spiral Pathways Holistic Health & Learning, LLC
49 Brigham Street, Morrisville, Vermont

Saturday September 14, 2013
10:00am - 4:00pm

Facilitators are Sierra McFeeters and Lassie Rathbone of The Institute of Elemental Shamanism.

Participants are responsible for their own lunch. (There are tasty options all around.)

The cost of the workshop is $100.00, preregistration is required with a $50.00 nonrefundable deposit.

Send to:
Sierra McFeeters
849 Misty Pines Cir
Woodland Park, CO 80863

Please call or email questions to 802-279-0945,

* (You can also let me know at Spiral Pathways and I will get your information to Sierra ~ Terrie in Morrisville, VT) *

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