March 22, 2022
5:30 p.m.
Remote Meeting Via Zoom
Join by Computer:
Join by Phone: Dial: 1 (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 561 577 976
Meeting Password: 1234
1. Microphone Check
2. Call to Order
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Amendments to Agenda
5. Visitors
6. Approval of Minutes (3/8/22) and Warrant* (3/22/22)
7. Business
a. Presentation of "Report on and Proposal for a Community Review Board in Vergennes, Vermont January 11, 2022 from the Citizen Review Board Exploratory Committee (CRBEC). Cheryl Brinkman, CRBEC Chair. ***
b. Update from Friends of Vergennes Opera House re: All Access Project.***
c. Public Hearing (Time Certain: 6 PM) regarding City's proposed application for $60,000 in Vermont Community Development Program funds for All Access Project predevelopment activities in support of an elevator, associated driveway and landscaping for Vergennes City Hall, 120 Main Street.
d. Request to approve resolution authorizing City Staff to apply for $60,000 in Vermont Community Development Program Planning funds for predevelopment activities in support of an elevator, associated driveway and landscaping for Vergennes City Hall, 120 Main Street. *
e. Request to approve resolution authorizing City Staff to apply for $500,000 in Vermont Community Development Program Implementation funds for the rehabilitation of the John Graham Emergency Shelter, 69 Main Street.*
f. Presentation on Updated Costs of Vergennes Salt Shed Project with recommendation for funding additional match required***
g. FY 23 Budget:
i. Draft Capital Plan
ii. Draft WWTF Plan through FY 26
h. Request for approval to allocate $3,500 for Engineering Assessment by Dubois & King of the Vergennes Public Works Building, 8 Mechanic Street and $14,063 to fund the completion of new front doors for City Hall, 120 Main Street, from the Water Tower Reserve Fund *
i. Request to approve Liquor License Renewals & Live Entertainment Licenses. Britney Aube, City Clerk.*
j. Update on proposed amendments to Conflict of Interest Policy**
k. Request to adopt updated Vergennes Parks & Recreation Committee Charge*
l. Request to adopt Local Emergency Management Plan and send it on to the Addison County Regional Planning Commission by May 1, 2022.*
m. Request to appoint Shannon Haggett as Vergennes' delegate to the Maple Broadband Governing Board for a one-year term beginning May 1
8. City Manager Report
9. Mayor's Report
10. Adjournment
*Decision Item
**Possible Decision Item
***Discussion Item