Sonic Blanket Daytime Listening Event

Past event
Mar 26, 2022, 4 to 5 PM

Sonic Blanket is a multimedia art project addressing the themes of isolation, community, history, and place. The central component is a 15-minute experimental radio composition interweaving poetry, electronic sound art, and local field recordings. Created in 2021 by Brattleboro artists Jonathan Gitelson, Weston Olencki, and Diana Whitney, Sonic Blanket is broadcast nightly at midnight on WVEW 107.7fm (Brattleboro Community Radio).

This is the first of a series of daytime listening parties to share the piece with all of you who haven't been able to listen to the midnight broadcasts. Join us at 4pm on March 26th for a daytime listening party at the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, followed by Q&A with the artists.


This event is free and open to the public.

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