Town of Wallingford
Selectboard Meeting
Monday, March 21, 2022
Wallingford Town Hall ~ 6:30 p.m.
This meeting will be held on the second floor of Town Hall. Face masks are recommended for those not full vaccinated for COVID-19. Safe distancing required. Please stay home if sick or if you have been exposed to COVID-19.
1. Call the Meeting to Order 6:30
2. Agenda Amendments 6:30
3. Approval: 6:35
• Selectboard Minutes - 03/07/22
• Pay Orders 03/22/22
4. Honorable Mentions 6:35
5. WES Stormwater Design – Permits 6:40
6. Public Comments 7:00
7. Road Commissioner's Report 7:05
~ Grader – Estimates/Financing
8. Summer Recreation Program 7:20
9. Planning Chair Overview on Cannabis Article
Approved at Town Meeting 7:35
10. Local Emergency Mgt Plan 7:55
11. Lifeguard/Concession Applicants 8:05
12. NEMRC Contract 8:15
13. ARPA Committee Appointments 8:20
14. Donation Request 8:25
15. Recreation Committee Mission Statement 8:30
~ Review possible appointments
16. Selectboard Comments/Concerns 8:40
17. Other Business 8:45
18. Adjourn
Next Meeting: April 4, 2022 at Wallingford Town Hall. For more municipal information, visit
*Please note all times are estimates.