Managing the forest on your property can be a daunting project to undertake. But, when done correctly, forest management can benefit landowners and forest ecology in multiple ways, including increasing the diversity of tree species and ages, enhancing habitat for songbirds, protecting soil and water quality, and improving forest health.
Join Women Owning Woodlands Vermont to view a forest management project being implemented in the Hinesburg Town Forest. Together we'll explore the ins and outs of this project and cover tree identification, wildlife habitat improvements, logging equipment, layout of woods roads to protect soil and water quality, marking trees using science-based principles, and any other questions you may have. WOW VT programs are tailored towards those who identify as female, but all are welcome to participate.
Trip Leaders:
Ethan Tapper, Chittenden County Forester
Andrea Shortsleeve, Habitat Biologist, Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife
Caitlin Cusack, VLT Forester
Register at: Directions to the location will be provided after registration.
Mar 3, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Baked Goodies at Town MeetingMar 4, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM
Vermont Flower ShowMar 7, 10 AM to 4 PM, Mar 9, 2025