Town of Wallingford ARPA Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Wallingford Town Hall ~ 6:30 p.m.
This meeting will be held on the second floor of Town Hall. It is recommended all visitors not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 wear face masks. Please stay home if sick or if you have been exposed to COVID-19.
1. Call the Meeting to Order 6:30
2. Agenda Additions/Deletions 6:30
3. Review/Approve Minutes 6:35
4. Public Comment 6:40
5. Public Input Process - Sub Committee Report 6:45
6. Targeted Areas of Focus for Public Input 7:05
7. ARPA Committee Vacancy - Recommend Appointment to Selectboard 7:25
8. Discuss ARPA Models from Other Towns 7:30
9. Other Business 7:45
10. Agenda Building 7:50
11. Adjourn *Please note all times are estimates.
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