Your Children Don't Want It! What Do You Do with It?

Past event
Mar 29, 2022, 2 to 3:30 PM

Mike Ivankovich , radio talk show host, estate auctioneer, and antique appraiser will be Zooming into the valley in a show co-hosted by the Hancock, Rochester, and Pittsfield libraries to help people, for whatever the reason (moving, downsizing, or estate planning ) in rehoming their possessions . The prized possessions that have been accumulated throughout the years with the thought that younger generations would excitedly welcome them, may not be the case. What is to be done with these accumulated treasures?

On Tuesday, March 29th at 2:00PM, Mike Ivankovich will be presenting a program entitled, "Your Children Don't Want It, What Should You Do?" Hopefully this program will address questions such as, What is it worth?, What is your best bet to sell for top dollar?, and When is it best just to give to charity? You may Zoom from home, Zoom from RCML (seating is limited and you must call (802-746-4067) ahead), or Zoom from the Rochester Library and watch and participate in the program on the big screen.

Zoom meeting ID: 873 8232 1733 Passcode:086854

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