On Wednesday, Marrch 23 at 6:30 pm, Laurie Rabut offers an Introduction to Nonviolent Communication over Rockingham Library zoom. "Non-Violent Communication" or "Compassionate Communication" is not only a set of learned skills , but also a "mind-set" and a "heart-set" that prepares us to meet ourselves and others in a way that offers empathy and optimizes connection. This workshop offers both modeling of nonviolent communication and the opportunity to practice with others.
Laurie has studied NVC with the founder, Marshall Rosenberg, and trainers Robert Gonzales, Peggy Smith and others. As a life long educator and NVC practitioner for over 2 decades, she has brought her expertise with NVC to the Restorative Circle Conference facilitation trainings she offers with her colleagues at Restorative Community Practice of Vermont.
To receive an invitation to join this live zoom presentation, contact programming@rockinghamlibrary.org or call the library at (802) 463-4270.
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