Winooski School Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 6:30pm
Zoom Webinar information:
Join by Phone: 1 301 715 8592
All students will graduate from the Winooski School District (WSD) college and career ready at a cost supported by a majority of the Winooski community. WSD students will lead healthy, productive and successful lives and engage with their local and global community.
Call to Order/Land Acknowledgement/Mindfulness/Women's History Month: (10 Minutes)
Reorganization of Board: (15 Minutes)
Election of President*
Election of Secretary/Clerk
Discussion/Approval of Robert's Rules for Small Boards
Board members do not have to stand or be recognized by the chair in order to speak or make motions.
Motions need not be seconded.
A board member may speak any number of times on a question, and motions to close or limit debate are generally not permitted.
A motion does not have to be pending in order to discuss a subject informally.
Votes can be taken initially by a show of hands.
If a proposal is perfectly clear to everyone it may be voted on even though no formal motion has been made.
In putting questions to a vote, the chairman need not stand.
The chairman can participate in debate just as any other board member. (
* Elected Board President will facilitate the rest of the meeting
Agenda Review and Adjustments: (5 Minutes)
Public Comments: (20 Minutes)
Consent Agenda: (5 Minutes)
Minutes of Meetings
Capital Project Executive Committee Meeting: February 9, 2022
Regular Board Meeting: February 9, 2022
Policy Title: 2.3 Financial Condition and Activities
Approval of Bills
Policy Title: 2.7 Compensation and Benefits
Approval: Teacher and Administrative Contracts
Approve Teacher Contracts for 2022-23
Approve Administrator Contracts for 2022-23
Maybeline Lopez: Director of Early Learning
Brian Dalla Mura: Therapeutic Program Coach
Policy Title: 2.8 Communication and Support to the Board
Superintendent Report
300 Main Street
Policy Title: 4.2.2 Create Written Governing Policies
Approve: Policy #5125: Student Educational Records (FERPA)
Approve: Policy #4311: Privacy of Health Related Information, Health Insurance Portability and AccountabilityAct (HIPAA)
Governance Processes (Policy Section IV): (60 Minutes)
Policy Title: 4.4 Board Linkage with Ownership
Discussion: Youth-Adult Partnership
Policy Title: 4.2.2 Create Written Governing Policies
Discussion: 1st Reading New Required Policy Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol
Discussion: 1st Reading New Required Policy Special Education
Executive Limitations (Policy Section II): (30 minutes)
Policy Title: 2.6 Asset Protection
Discussion/Approval: Audit Request for Proposal (RFP)
Community Engagement (Policy 4.2.1): (5 Minutes)
Discussion: Recent Community Activities by Board
Newsletter Topics
Upcoming Masking Changes
Next Agenda: (5 Minutes)
Location for Next Meeting
Upcoming Important Dates:
Early Dismissal: Thursday, March 17, 11:00am - Parent Teacher Conference WMHS
Early Dismissal: Thursday, March 18, 11:00am - Parent Teacher Conference WMHS
Veggie VanGo: Friday, March 18 & Friday, April 1
Early Dismissal: Thursday, March 31, 11:00am - Parent Teacher Conference JFK
Early Dismissal: Friday, April 1, 11:00am - Parent Teacher Conference JFK
Regular School Board Meeting: Wednesday, April 13
Executive Committee Meeting: Wednesday, April 13
Executive Session:
Possible Action on Executive Session:
Mar 10, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Community Conversation with Reps. Arsenault and BradyMar 10, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Tropical Fish Club of Burlington March 2025 MeetingMar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM