ANWSD/MAUSD Merger Study Committee Meeting

Past event
Mar 7, 2022, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

The public is welcome to join the next meeting to study the advisability of merging the two school districts (ANWSD and MAUSD). The agenda can be found at the website:

And you can join the meeting via Zoom :

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 9502 2913
Passcode: hA9iv7

For the minutes for previous meetings as well as other materials please see:

At our last meeting, briefly, here is what happened:

The Committee discussed MAUSD's New Solutions K-12 report at a high level. The Committee explored different perspectives and noted several alternatives to a merger analyzed in the study did not meet the criteria established through a community input process, including closing schools and tuition students, and that many people value MAUHS highly and do not support high school closure. Given the report focused primarily on MAUSD, the Committee is seeking feedback from ANWSD on the report and on ANWSD's explorations of options to address enrollment and tax rate challenges while advancing goals for student learning. Superintendent Reen is also following up with the study team on areas where clarification might be helpful and the generalizability of findings to ANWSD. The discussion will continue at a future meeting.

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