Does the Grocery Store stress you out? You're NOT alone!
Not only do we now have to remember our reusable bags, wipe down our carts and remember to wear a mask, the amount of products on the shelves and variations of products can feel overwhelming.
Join me Thursday, March 3rd at 6:00PM ONLINE for an Interactive Discussion on How to Navigate the Grocery Store!
Topics will include:
-Best times to shop
-When to buy produce/meat/dairy
-Which sections you should be spending most of your time in or avoiding
-Which products you should buy organic vs. non
-How to shop "healthy" on a budget
-How to navigate labels such as; "organic" "local" "free range" "cage free" "grass fed" "farm raised" "wild caught" etc.
-How to get in and out in a timely manor
Can't make it live? Register and receive the recording+ a follow up Q+A!
Questions? Email me at
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