Who Was Robert Frost and Who Are We? – Bixby Library

Past event
Mar 24, 2022, 6 to 7 PM

This informal talk and group discussion with poet Geof Hewitt includes a reading of several of Frost's poems.

Goals of the discussion include comparing how Frost portrayed Vermont and its people to how he might see Vermont today.

Register by going to this URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqcu6tpzwvGNWdG3anmxRRt2A_l5khOBhh

Speaker bio: Geof Hewitt has degrees from Cornell, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Iowa. Author of four books of poems and three books for teachers, he is Vermont's reigning poetry slam champion, and regularly hosts slams throughout the state.

This event is made possible by the Vermont Humanities Council

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