I wanted to make sure that everyone knew about tonight's public information session on the proposed FY 2023 budget, which is up for approval on the Town Meeting Day ballot. This is the second of two sessions on the proposed budget -- the first was at the beginning of February.
A lot of work went into the budget and I am grateful for the work of town manager Josh Arneson, finance director Connie Bona, the heads of the various Richmond town departments, and my fellow Selectboard members. As a result of their number-crunching and strategizing, we are able to propose a budget for the upcoming fiscal year that includes a *reduction* in the tax rate.
If you're curious about that, or any other aspect of the budget, and would like to know more about it before you vote yea or nay, please come to the session tonight. (If you already dropped off or mailed in your ballot, you are still welcome to come!)
Town of Richmond Public Informational Meeting
Monday, February 28, 2022 at 7:00 pm | Online via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88944599957?pwd=cFM1bFNJa3dTLzBKdGl4RGMvR1JHUT09
Meeting ID: 889 4459 9957
Passcode: 116300
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099
For discussion:
Australian Ballot Information Hearing
* Review and discuss Article 2: Shall the voters of the Town of Richmond approve a budget for Fiscal Year 2022 – 2023 of $5,048,542 to meet the expenses and liabilities of the Town of Richmond?
* Review and discuss Article 3: Shall the Town of Richmond vote to approve funding the Conservation Reserve Fund by adding one cent to the municipal tax rate in the 2022-2023 fiscal year?
The complete agenda, budget, and supporting documents are online at http://www.richmondvt.gov/town-meeting-2022/
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