MRVARI Anti Racism Discussion Feb. 27

Past event
Feb 27, 2022, 6:30 PM

All are welcome to attend the monthly meeting of MRVARI, the Mad River Valley Anti-Racism Initiative. We meet tomorrow evening 2/27 (4th Sunday of the month), at 6:30 pm, at the Village Meeting House (ground floor of the Waitsfield Church).

Many white people struggle with knowing how to speak or ask about race-related questions. Since childhood, most of us have been socialized to avoid the topic, in an effort to preserve social harmony and comfort. The problem with this approach is that it does nothing to dismantle systems that are inherently unjust, and that harm us all -- all races, all Americans.

Most of us -- liberals and conservatives alike -- care about others. We want to do and say the right things, and do not wish to be seen or thought of as a racist. Sometimes, the fear of making mistakes impedes growth and understanding about crucial problems within our culture. By remaining neutral and polite, we unintentionally perpetuate a toxic, destructive system.

MRVARI provides a setting in which we can unpack these questions, identifying our own unintentional blind spots and biases. We learn skills to help us navigate the rocky road toward racial justice, including identifying the hidden privileges and benefits associated with being white in our world. Creating a healthy racial identity, and mapping out the many ways that we can contribute to dissolving racial inequality is transformational work. It is not always comfortable. But most of us find it freeing, inspirational and empowering.

Newcomers are always welcome to attend. Being vaccinated is encouraged, and we do ask that you wear a mask. We hope to see you Sunday night!

Wrenn Compere, facilitator

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