Game Arena

Past event
Mar 5, 2022, 11 AM to 3 PM

Hey Gamers, if you like board and/or card games, we are starting up a group at the Waterbury Public Library the first Saturday of the month from 11 AM to 3 PM. Games include Splendor, Millennium Blades, Scythe, Catan, Dominion, Forbidden Island, Betrayal at the House on the Hill, just to name a few.

Now card games too: Cardfight!! Vanguard and Magic: the Gathering. Gamers are also welcome to bring their own games if they wish. Drop in anytime during the 11-3 slot-- if a game is in progress, simply enjoy the process and get in on the next game. For ages Teens and Adults. Next Game Arena, Saturday, March 5th

Host and Waterbury resident, Vinni Yasi, got into gaming after graduating college and has built up a pretty decent collection of games that he is only too willing to share. Thinking, reasoning, strategizing and playing together makes for a great community.

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