Annual Meeting and Info Hearing Regard BMU FY20

Past event
Feb 28, 2022, 6 PM

Upcoming Annual Meeting and Informational Hearing regarding the BMU FY2023 Budget

The BMU School Board is hosting an informational meeting via ZOOM on February 28, 2022 at 6:00pm related to BMU's Budget vote. The Annual Meeting will be followed by an Informational Hearing regarding the budget. The FY2023 budget is up 5.4% over last school year. Education spending has increased 7.8% and spending per pupil is up 10.6%. To minimize the budget increase $626,680 surplus was reinvested in the FY2023 budget. Due to multiple factors related to state funding and CLA, equalized tax rate will decrease by approximately 12 cents/$100K or -7.98% with the education spending in this year's budget for all 3 towns.

Driving factors for the budget are:

•Decrease in special education revenue from the State of VT, but an increase in general revenue from the State Education Fund

•Decrease in OESU assessment costs to BMU, with local increases in wages and health care costs

•Inflation of prices for goods, services, food, and transportation •The major investments are:

•Expansion to full day preschool, including home-to-school transportation - $150,000

•Expansion of our world language and health offerings - $90,000

•Needed repairs to our athletic fields - $18,000PLEASE VOTE on the FY2023 BMUSchool Budget either through early voting, absentee ballot or voting day, Tuesday, March 1, 2022, between 10:00am-7:00pm at your town's voting place: the Groton Community Building; Town Building Ryegate Corner; or the Village Garage in Wells River.

•If you or a family member is not registered to vote, you just need to contact your town clerk for a voter registration form. 
Groton=584-3276 Ryegate=584-3880 Newbury =  866-5521 Wells River=757-3401

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Meeting ID: 813 9703 8671
Passcode: 865288
Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

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