Added session: Wed Feb 23rd at 1:00pm - Dailey Memorial Library in Derby.
LEGO Workshop: "Powered Machines." (Ages 6 and up.)
Learn to make cool battery-powered machines -- including a two-speed Drag Racer -- using our special LEGO Education Kits. Space is limited to ten participants,* so please call the library at 766-5063 to sign up for this free program.
While Workshop participants use our advanced LEGO kits upstairs to build their powered machines, our fun LEGO STEAM Park kit will be available downstairs for younger kids to enjoy (parental supervision required, no pre-registration needed). We will also have blocks and other learning toys available.
Participants in the Powered Machines Workshop will work in pairs, using easy-to-follow pictorial directions, with assistance available from Children's Librarian Garrett Brinton. LEGO Workshops at the Dailey are free of charge and open to families from any town. Pre-registration is required.
Also new, starting this week: Kids who have participated in at least one LEGO Workshop at the Dailey will become eligible to CHECK OUT one of our LEGO Education Kits to use at home!** (If all kits are checked out, you will be able to place a "hold" so that we can contact you when a kit returns and is available for you to check out).
*Our original Wed 10:00am workshop is now full, so we have added a Wed 1:00pm workshop. Space in this session is also limited to 10 participants so please call the library at 766-5063 to sign up for this free program,
**If your child is unable to attend any of our scheduled workshops but is interested in learning to use our LEGO Education Kits and becoming eligible to check out a LEGO Education Kit for home use, please let us know and we will do our best to find a time that works for your family!
Dailey Memorial Library
101 Junior High Drive
Derby, Vermont 05829
Phone: 802-766-5063