Hi neighbors, sharing an invite: All Vermonters interested in advancing equity, prosperity, environmental justice, health care, community safety, education, and democracy are welcome to the Franklin County Democratic Party's next monthly meeting on Feb. 21st at 7:00pm (via Zoom). Full details here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dmwrcwq3V5u0VD1V8mLZ1LiAUnucWIxV8hIlXz_8qTg/preview.
Join us for social time and action items. We'll also be hearing from Dave Silberman (High Bailiff, Addison County) about H.644¹ and the push for a public health approach to drug addiction in Vermont.
Future meetings will be held on the 4th Monday of each month (with a few exceptions): Mar 28, Apr. 25, May 23, Jun. 27, Jul. 25, Aug. 22, Sep. 26, Oct. 17, Nov. 28, and Dec. 19.
¹ https://legislature.vermont.gov/bill/status/2022/H.644
Mar 11, 2025, 12 to 1 PM
Colchester Selectboard Meeting March 11Mar 11, 2025, 6:30 PM
Westford Music Series PresentsMar 16, 2025, 4 to 5 PM