JULY 18-19-20, 2014
This special herbal weekend will take place in Williamstown on 30 acres. A weekend planned for those new to healing with herbs and food as medicine. We will take herb walks in the woods, spend time learning in the garden, and the kitchen, make salves and flower essences and create a space for you to find your own plant ally and map a medicinal herb garden plan to take home.
The weekend begins at 6pm on Friday and goes til noon on Sunday. There will be 2-3 organic summer garden fresh meals. Camping is available on the land and there are several B&B's and places to stay nearby. Space is limited to 15 on a first come, first serve basis. An intimate group to learn with at an intimate setting. Please join us.
Accepting registrations from 15 beautiful souls. Will one of them be you? Register today for discount before May 31st. Directions and itinerary will be sent after you register.
- See more at: http://www.mariefrohlich.com/herbal-weekend-retreat-in-vermont#sthash.1OYuBHIs.dpuf
Feb 5, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Studio MinisFeb 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Blount Concert + Smithsonian OpeningFeb 8, 2025, 4 to 9 PM