Water Quality in Hinesburg and the LaPlatte Watershed

Past event
Mar 7, 2022, 7 to 8 PM

Mark your calendars to join Lewis Creek Association and the Hinesburg Conservation Commission for a 45 minute Zoom presentation on March 7 at 7 PM to learn about water quality in Hinesburg and how it affects Lake Champlain's health. What causes our streams and lake's poor water quality? What can you do as a landowner to help improve water quality? How can we collaborate as landowners and Town committee members in the Lake Champlain watershed to take better charge of our lake's future? Hear from Robert Hyams (Hinesburg Conservation Commission) about a stream restoration tool and learn more about how beavers benefit water quality, including at Geprags Park in Hinesburg. LCA's portion of this presentation is brought to you by Tactical Basin Planning funding from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.

Meeting ID: 837 1441 1561
Passcode: 641483

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