BEC 2_16_2022 Agenda, Zoom meeting 7pm
1. Welcome
Any agenda adjustments.
2. EV Charging Update:
Feb 3rd zoom with Freeman of Green Mountain Power and Berrett of Norwich Tech.
Feb 11 site visit with Norwich Tech on the Bristol green, and UVM intern/physics major, Patrick, who's working on this project with BEC.
What did we learn? Other input? Next steps?
3. Municipal weatherization
Step 1: Walkthru's Feb 22 - Holley Hall, Howden Hall, Bristol Rec Hub, LMLibrary
Step 2: Lawrence Memorial Library energy audit
Next steps: to be determined
4. Municipal energy cost savings from Route 116 solar net metering credits - a review of GMP bills was requested by the selectboard. Sharon sent copies for the 7 meters and Ben compiled data on a spreadsheet. Share results. Discuss net metering in relation to state goals.
5. Educational, Inspirational Outreach Series to promote local action for achieving Town Energy goals. Brainstorm ideas. Discuss who, what and how. Members contribute what they are most drawn to share about.
6. Possible Window Dressers with Middlebury, update
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Password: 885305
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