Williston Selectboard Meeting - Feb. 15

Past event
Feb 15, 2022, 6:30 to 9 PM

The Williston Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, February 15th, 2022 with an anticipated executive session beginning at 6:30 PM. The open session of the meeting will begin around 7 PM. The Town is offering a hybrid meeting set-up for public participation. Attend the meeting in-person at the Beckett/McGuire Meeting Room at Town Hall, or by using the video conference platform zoom. Please note, in person meeting attendees are required to wear a mask due to COVID-19. Copied below is a summary of the meeting agenda.

The agenda packet for the meeting, and information how to connect to the meeting using zoom can be viewed on the Town website at the following link: https://www.town.williston.vt.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={64C428D2-3196-43EF-9446-6BD[...]93}

Williston Selectboard Agenda - February 15, 2022
1 . Call to Order
2 . Executive Session- Consider entering executive session to discuss a contract and a legal matter
3 . Minutes - February 1, 2022
4 . Public Comment - General Issues
5 . Interviews/Appointment- Interview applicant for Planning Commission and consider making appointment, interview applicants for Recreation & Parks Committee
6 . FY 21 Audit Report- Receive overview of FY 21 audit report from Town Auditor Sullivan Powers and consider accepting the report
7 . Face Covering Rule- Consider extending face covering rule 30 days or repealing
8 . Champlain Water District Annual Update- Receive annual update of activities from the District
9 . Personnel Policy Amendment - Pay Bands- Consider amendment to non-unionized employee pay band
structure as appendix to the Personnel Policy
10 . Energy & Community Development Planner Position- Consider approving job description and creating position
11 . Appointment - Recreation & Parks Committee- Consider appointing applicant to committee
12 . Manager's Report
13 . Other Business
14 . Adjournment

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