Want to Learn Auto Repair?

Past event
Mar 10, 2022, 5:45 to 8:45 PM

If you've always wanted to learn to change your own oil, do a brake job, diagnose a problem with scan tools, or any other repair job on your vehicles, you are going to love North Country Career Center's upcoming course, General Automotive Mechanics!

This adult education course will help you earn to diagnose and repair a wide variety of automotive issues. Students will have the opportunity to practice their developing skills on their own vehicles when appropriate. Specific topics covered will be determined with input from students and may include brake systems, oil changes, exhaust repairs, suspension systems, basic scan tools and diagnostics, and more. This course is appropriate for people with no prior mechanical experience as well as those who would like to build on existing skills.

The class meets Thursdays, March 10 through May 12, from 5:45 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. in NCCC's well-equipped auto shop . Tuition is just $325, and grants and scholarships are available which could fully fund your course. Register online today at https://nc3.ncsuvt.org/adult-education or call for details: 802-334-5469 X3305.

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