Up for discussion at this week's Development Review Board are two projects:
* A request from the applicants of the proposed O'Donnell - Donovan subdivision at 125 Lake Rd. for reconsideration of the Planning Commission's preliminary plan approval decision from last December. Please note: The DRB's discussion at this meeting will focus strictly upon the process question: whether to re-open the decision per that request. Testimony, if any, will be brief & limited to questions & answers with the Board and the applicants who made the request. The Board will discuss the matter among themselves in open/public deliberations & reach a decision that will be announced that evening. More information, including a copy of the applicant's letter requesting reconsideration, can be found at the following link: https://www.charlottevt.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={0D179E42-1A20-4749-A69A-87D6E90E[...]29}
If the Board decides NOT to re-open the decision, the decision stands as made by the Planning Commission in December. Any interested party may file an appeal of the original decision within 30 days following Feb. 9. If the Board decides to re-open the original decision for reconsideration, a hearing will be set for a later date, so that neighbors and other residents to weigh in on the points raised in the request for reconsideration. In that event, the hearing will be well-publicized in this Forum & elsewhere.
* The other project is a public hearing for Final Plan review for a proposed 2-lot minor residential subdivision by Greg & Lynn Cluff for their property at 1745 Dorset St. More information is available on the project page at: https://www.charlottevt.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={0D179E42-1A20-4749-A69A-87D6E90E[...]88}
This meeting will be offered 'live' at Town Hall, and online, via Zoom. The meeting agenda, with Zoom login link, can be found linked under the meeting date on the 'Meeting Calendar and Agendas' page of the town website. Any questions: contact the Town Planner at (8020 425-3533 ext. 206.
Feb 10, 2025, 6 to 7:30 PM
Cozy Crafting ClubFeb 11, 2025, 4:45 to 7 PM
The Gifts of SeedsFeb 12, 2025, 6 to 8 PM