MMUUSD Board Meeting Monday, Feb. 7

Past event
Feb 7, 2022, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

The Mount Mansfield School Board will meet remotely on Monday, February 7 at 6:30pm. The board has decided to hold our meetings remotely for the foreseeable future. Please note that all information needed to join the meeting can be found at the top of the meeting agenda:

The board will hear an update from the Richmond Elementary School Principal, the district Human Resources Director and a Covid 19 update from the Superintendent. As always, there will be time for community members to share comments or concerns with the board.

This is our only board meeting for the month of February, however two budget informational meetings will be held later in the month, on Thursday 2/17 and 2/24 both at 6pm. A link to the warning for the budget vote on March 1 can be found here:

We look forward to you joining us for these upcoming meetings.

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