Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Feb 7, 2022

Town of Richmond Selectboard
February 7, 2022

This meeting may be joined online or by phone

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Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 857 2497 1384 Passcode: 959596

7:00 PM Welcome and Public Comment
7:03 PM I. Additions or Deletions to Agenda
7:05 PM II. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present

a) Executive Session: Pending litigation related to Williams Hill Rd. (25 min)
b) Update on services at Solid Waste Transfer Station and consideration of correcting an error on pricing for sleeper sofas* (10 min)
c) Consideration of approval of process for making appointments to Town committees* (10 min)
d) Consideration of feedback to VTrans on shoulder width in sections of the Rt. 2 paving project* (15 min)
e) Consideration of setting a date for a public hearing to consider adoption of a rule requiring the wearing of face coverings indoors in public spaces* (10 min)
f) Consideration of approving a letter of support for Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom Grant Application for fiber-optic internet conversions in Richmond* (10 min)
g) Consideration of entering into an agreement with Axon Enterprise Inc. for body cameras* (10 min)
h) Follow up discussion on Police Advisory Committee (15 min)
i) Review of FY22 second quarter financial reports (10 min)
j) Review of Richmond Rescue Quarterly Report (5 min)

9:05 PM III. Approval of Minutes, Warrants and Purchase Orders*
a) Minutes of 1/18/22
b) Minutes of 2/1/22
9:15 PM IV. Discuss Items for Next Agenda
9:25 PM V. Executive Session if needed
9:30 PM VI. Adjourn

Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at
*Denotes Action Item

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