Grange Meeting Program Feb. 5 by Zoom

Past event
Feb 5, 2022, 5 to 6 PM

February 5, 2022 from 5-6:00 PM: How can Vermonters work to keep our republic democratic?

Based on the attempts to create a controversy about the 2020 presidential election results, some state legislatures have been changing election laws in ways that seem designed to disenfranchise some groups of voters, and result in partisan advantage in upcoming elections. What can we do in this state to protect democracy nationally? We have two speakers to answer that question.
Ben Horton is a lawyer at Free Speech For People and a Harvard Public Service Venture Fund Fellow.
Ginny Sassaman lives in Calais and is a founder and facilitator for Indivisible Calais.

All Grange programs are free and open to the public! Zoom link information:
To join the Zoom meeting starting at 5:00 from your computer or smart-phone, use this link:
To join the meeting, audio only from your phone, dial this number: 646 558 8656
For either way of joining:
Meeting ID: 875 0792 3076
Password: 624628

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