Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 7:00 pm
7:00 pm Liquor Control Board Call to Order (license approval)
7:04 pm Liquor Control Board Adjournment
7:04 pm Selectboard Meeting Call to Order
7:05 pm Highway (VTrans Financial Plan & Certificate of Standards)
7:15 pm Broadband (possible expansion through ARPA; support for Act 71 & WCVT)
7:50 pm Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
8:00 pm Committees
**Energy: Library solar
** Town Hall: painting
**Wastewater: update; Intended Use Plan
8:40 pm Administration
**Letter of support for ARPA funds & FEMA match
**Professional audit selection
**Topics for2/21 Legislative Roundtable
**Town Meeting public informational hearing – Sat. 2/29
**Warrants and minutes
**Other updates
**Selectboard members' other items
9:00 pm Olga Hallock Award nominee selection
9:15 pm Adjourn
**This is a fully remote meeting. We are not required to offer a physical location for the rest of 2022. If you require a physical location because you can't access the meeting by computer or telephone, call 802-424-4779 by Monday 2/07 noon.
**For the computer access, visit the Town website https://www.huntingtonvt.org/town-news-and-events/
**For toll-free telephone access, call: 888-788-0099 ID:931 1259 8936 Passcode: 4344779
**If you have questions about how to access the meeting or are having trouble connecting when the meeting starts, call 802-434-4779.
Dec 3, 2024, 7 PM
Poetry, Music and Storytelling Night at Love UniversityDec 6, 2024, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
International BoutiqueDec 7, 2024, 10 AM to 6 PM