Climate Rally

Past event
Feb 18, 2022, 11 AM to 1 PM

Climate SOS (Sink Or Swim) Rally FEB. 18

Join the big winter Climate SOS rally on the Statehouse lawn in Montpelier on Fri., Feb. 18 from 11-1 PM. We'll insist our political leaders "right the ship" of good policy by implementing strong, just legislation "before we sink" further into the climate crisis. Come join the artistic waves that will appear to engulf the Statehouse. Bring your own flotation device and become one of the "swimmers" seeking rescue from the climate emergency. If you can, bring tarp or sheet as well to add to the waves we plan to make. You'll also hear from speakers, join in the singing, enjoy some hot drinks and be grateful for your determination to build a just transition – along with your friends and neighbors. Inclement weather date is Sat., Feb. 19 at the same time. For more info, click here:

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