Community Ice Sculpture at JCOGS

Past event
Feb 9, 2022, 10 AM to 1 PM

[Event date updated to Feb. 9]

We're building a community ice sculpture of the burning bush! You can help in three ways:
1. Collect and drop off empty clean drink cartons. Cut off the tops and rinse well juice/broth/milk/wine cartons (the layered paper kind, any size) which can be dropped off empty no later than Feb 4th at JCOGS, 1189 Cape Cod Rd, by the side door.
see pics for examples.
2. You can make yellow, orange, or red ice blocks yourself and bring them over to JCOGS. Please only use food coloring, have the cartons completely open or the top cut off, and have them fully frozen and dropped off from Feb 4 to Feb 8th (before noon).
Examples of how to make blocks and other sculptures.
3. Come help build on Wednesday Feb 9th from 10-1 pm!

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