Age Well Feb. 8 Grab and Go Meal Shelburne

Past event
Feb 8, 2022, 11 AM to 12 PM

Age Well and St. Catherine of Siena Parish are teaming up to provide a Meal-to-Go for anyone age 60+.

When: Please register by Thursday February 3rd.
Meal pick-up, Tuesday February 8th 11:00am - Noon

Where: Drive-through pick up at St. Catherine's, 72 Church St., Shelburne

To Order: Email Sheryl (preferred):
Or phone 802-825-8546

Menu: Stuffed Chicken with Ham and Cheese
Mashed Potatoes
Dinner Roll, Applesauce Cake, Milk

If you haven't yet filled out a 2022 Congregate Meal Registration, please bring a completed registration form with you. We'll have forms on hand to fill out at meal pick up, or download the registration form to fill out ahead of time:[...]ile

Restaurant Vouchers Will be Available. Age Well staff will be on hand at meal pick-up with Vouchers that can be used for a meal at participating restaurants.
The Vouchers are $5.
Completed 2022 Congregate Meal Registration is required.

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