Prescription Drug Drop: June 20th from 10am to 2pm

Past event
Jun 20, 2014, 10 AM to 2 PM

There is a new healthcare program in Vermont called SASH (Support And Services at Home). SASH is a FREE service available all Medicare recipients. It is designed to assist individuals with staying happy, healthy, and most importantly at HOME! Our focus is health, wellness, and prevention. SASH is now in the Castleton/Fair Haven area with an office in the Castleton Community Center. Learn more about the SASH program at the Castleton Community Center, as SASH team members in collaboration with the Rutland County Sheriff’s Department offer a:

Prescription Drug Drop, giving you the opportunity to properly dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs.

June 20th from 10am to 2pm

You will also have a chance to meet…

SASH Supervisor: Carol Keefe
SASH Coordinator: Colleen A. Loper, MSW
SASH Wellness Nurse: Patti Kent, RN

Call Carol Keefe, SASH Supervisor to find out more about the SASH program at 773-2926 ext. 16

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