MadDog Chapter Trout Unlimited Feb. 2022 Meeting

Past event
Feb 3, 2022, 6:30 to 8 PM

MadDog TU Chapter Meeting February 3rd via Zoom.

It's all about The Dog in February!

(We'll be going virtual again for the February meeting. Hopefully by March there'll be an easing of Omicron and we can move back to in-person meetings)!

For a Zoom link email:

The "MadDog Zoom Room" opens at 6:30 on 2/3/22 for chat time and check ins. Our formal meeting begins at 7:00 with Chapter Updates and then let's jump into The Dog!

Our presentation, rather discussion for February is about the Dog River!

In February the MadDog TU Board wants to hear from our members as well as the general public about your experiences on the river, what you see going on, what ideas you have for the river and how you'd like the river to be managed.

The Dog is a namesake for a part of our TU chapter name and for good reason. The Dog held, at one time, a thriving wild trout fishery from its upland birthplace to the mouth of the Winooski! It still has a genuine allure for anglers in Vermont and elsewhere. However for a better part of 20 years.. yes twenty years this once gem-like river has been declining. The luster is off. The mix of trout has changed. Rainbows have declined. There are fewer smaller trout, though some large fish still exist in the system. River temps have risen. The river has been challenged by large floods and significant droughts. Knotweed has thrived. Also, despite thousands of trees being planted erosion continues to plague the river. Landowners continue to lose land to the river. Also, even though the river is largely being managed as catch and release with gear restrictions there's evidence that many still fish with bait. Indicating a lack of enforcement of regulations. There are other challenges, too. What's your impression of the Dog?

What more can our cold water conservation chapter do? Who should we be working with? What other information is necessary gather about the Dog? What's the most pressing action you think we should be taking?

We need to know this and more from you!

Please plan to attend, virtually, the zoom link is being posted via an email message on the 31st as well as on the Chapters Facebook page.

Clark Amadon
MadDog Trout Unlimited

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