Everyone Eats Meals and Fresh Veggies Giveaway

Past event
Jan 29, 2022, 11 AM to 12 PM

The Everyone Eats restaurant meal program has gotten funding to be extended for another round, so we will be able to share frozen meals from Open Hearth Pizza in Waitsfield for the next several months.

Our giveaways will be a regular schedule now, on the 4th Saturdays of each month. There will be both the individual frozen meals and fresh produce from the Vermont Food Bank's Veggie Van Go Program available every month. We will be set up inside the Hancock Town Hall with everything out on tables. So you can just park, come in and shop for what you'd like.

Please bring your own bags or boxes. You can also still plan to pick up for others in your family, neighbor, and friend circles who may not be able to travel. Please also mask-up just as a precaution.

We were blessed with a donation recently that made it possible for us to buy a freezer to keep meals in. If you find yourself in need at anytime, just send an email and one of us will meet you at the freezer which is in the Rochester town office basement.

If you would like to be on our email list to receive advance notice of similar events, please send an email to feedingthevalleyalliance@gmail.com. You can also find us on Facebook for other updates: https://www.facebook.com/Feedingthevalleyalliance

Hancock Town Hall
1091 VT-100, Hancock, VT
Saturday, January 29th
11am -12pm

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