Livestream Myofascial Release Workshop

Past event
Jan 26, 2022, 5:45 to 7 PM

On Wednesday, January 26 from 5:45-7pm, I'll be offering a Myofascial Release workshop via zoom.
Join me for techniques to release tension, relieve pain, improve range of motion, and restore a sense of wellbeing in your body.
We'll work on commonly held areas of tension in the body, and I'll take your requests, as well.

Things you'll need:
A ball (that is soft enough to squeeze — tennis ball sized)
A blanket or a yoga mat (it might be nice to have two— one to lay down on and another to roll on)
A yoga block, bolster, or firm pillow

This workshop is open to all, and I am offering flexible pricing. You can register here:

The zoom link will be emailed on the day of the workshop. Hope to see you there!

Jessie Owens, CMT
Fulcrum Massage and Bodywork

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