On January 25, 2022 at 6 pm in the Mount Abe large cafeteria, the MAUSD School Board will hear a presentation by Nate Levenson of New Solutions K12. The MAUSD School Board hired Mr. Levenson and his team (the Review Team) to assist us in evaluating five community proposals, the proposal by Superintendent Reen, and other options that have the potential to address our District's challenge of declining enrollment and increasing costs — with the goal of helping us to make wise decisions that will best educate our children, support our communities and keep costs affordable moving forward.
This process included the following components:
1. Nate and team (the Review Team) met with authors of all proposals to better understand their thinking and identify any potential "missing pieces".
2. The Review Team developed a common presentation template to ease understanding and simplify comparison.
3. A Community Input Committee (CIC) including building principals, community members and staff identified 10 criteria, building upon and expanding those developed by the Board, by which to evaluate each proposal.
4. The Review Team worked with the District Business Office to determine the financial impact of each proposal.
5. The Review Team prepared a draft report assessing all proposals against each of the criteria, answering the question: "how well does this proposal meet each criterion?" The report does not recommend a best option.
6. The Review Team shared this draft report with the MAUSD Board, proposal authors, Principals and members of the Community Input Committee.
On January 25, the MAUSD Board will hear a presentation of this draft report by Nate Levenson. The Board will have the opportunity to ask questions and offer feedback to the Review Team before the report is finalized. This same opportunity is provided to proposal authors, Principals and members of the Community Input Committee. We expect the final report within two weeks of the meeting on the 25th. In addition, if community members have questions that arise during the presentation, they will be invited to submit them to the Board to be forwarded on and answered by the Review Team.
There are several important things to keep in mind: First, this report will not offer a conclusion about the "best" plan; instead, it is designed to provide the information and insight the Board will need to draw conclusions and make decisions. Additionally, this is a topic the Board will be discussing for many months, and a plan will be developed to ensure the community has the opportunity for discussion and input into this report and future planning. Therefore, we hope you will continue to stay engaged and involved as this work continues. Here is a link to the draft report: https://bit.ly/3fQThG5. You can find a Zoom link for the meeting on January 25 on the Board calendar at mausd.org, if you would like to attend remotely.
Mar 8, 2025, 12 to 2 PM
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