Essex Junction Board of Trustees Meeting

Past event
Jan 25, 2022, 6:30 PM

The Village of Essex Junction Board of Trustees has a regular meeting at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, January 25. This is a hybrid meeting that will be held remotely using the ZOOM meetings platform and in person at the Village Offices at 2 Lincoln St., Essex Junction. Masks are required if attending in person. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend remotely, if possible. Full agendas and packets are available at The agenda and website contain links to join the meetings electronically, and call-in information to join by phone.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 944 6429 7825
Passcode: 635787
Dial 1(888) 788-0099 (toll free)

-Discuss public outreach and board questions for local options tax
- Possible action about regulating short term rentals (Airbnb-type)
- Discuss adding cannabis to annual meeting ballot
- Discuss adding fund balance threshold change to annual meeting ballot
- Consider approval to hold Village Annual Meeting by Australian ballot
- Discuss topics for annual newsletter
- Consideration of purchasing of masks with American Rescue Plan Act funds
- Discussion and possible action about contracts with the Town of Essex
- Consider approval of consent agenda: minutes of January 11, 2022; Village Annual Meeting/Elections Preparation Schedule; check warrants

For more information please contact Assistant Manager Marguerite Ladd at 878-6951 or

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