The Essex Selectboard and Essex Junction Trustees have a special joint meeting at 6:30 pm on Monday, January 24. This is a hybrid meeting that will be held remotely using the ZOOM meetings platform and in person at the Town Offices at 81 Main St., Essex Junction. Masks are required if attending in person. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend remotely, if possible. Full agendas and packets are available at and at The agenda and websites contain links to join the meeting electronically, and call-in information to join by phone.
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial 1 (888)-788-0099 toll free
Meeting ID: 977 0425 9894
Passcode: 456054
Business Items
- Discussion and potential action on tentative agreements about shared services between Town of Essex and Village/City of Essex Junction (all or part of this item may occur in executive session)
- Consider approval of upcoming joint meeting schedule
- Discussion and potential action on request from Trustees to Selectboard for payment for
Finance Director costs
- Consider adoption of Annual Town Meeting warning (Selectboard only)
For more information please contact Deputy Manager Greg Duggan at 878-1341 or
Mar 8, 2025, 6:30 to 9 PM
Fundraiser Babysitting NightMar 14, 2025, 5 to 8 PM
St. Patrick's Day Dinner & FundraiserMar 15, 2025, 5 PM