Winooski City Council and FY23 Budget Meeting Jan. 24

Past event
Jan 24, 2022, 6 to 9 PM

I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Review
IV. Public Comment
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval: City Council Minutes of 1/18/2022
B. Approval: Accounts Payable Warrant as of 1/20/2022
VI. Council Reports
VII. City Update
VIII. Regular Items
A. Approval: Sally Tipson Resolution - P Sarne
B. Discussion: FY21 Audit Presentation - A Aldieri
C. Discussion: FY22 Quarterly Budget Projections - A Anastasi-Hill
D. Approval: Fire Truck Bond Resolution - A Aldieri
IX. Public Hearing - 6:00 PM
A. FY23: Final Budget Approval
X. Regular Items
A. Approval: Town Meeting Day Warning - W Harrison
B Approval: Brownfield Revitalization Grant - J Rauscher
C. Approval: Vtrans Grant - Tigan Traffic Signal - J Rauscher D
D. Approval: ARPA Business Relief - H Carrington
XI. Adjourn

Download the agenda:

Attend online:
Attend by phone: 1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 843 6484 9328
Attend in-person: Winooski City Hall (27 West Allen Street, masks & 6' distancing required)

Please read our Remote Meeting Procedures if you plan to participate via Zoom:

To sign up for public comment via Zoom, fill out our Public Comment Request Form or call 802 655 6410 to schedule:

Questions regarding this meeting can be sent to Jenny Willingham, City Clerk: 802 655 6410 /

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