Public Hearing, Prop 5: Reproductive Liberty Amendment

Past event
Jan 26, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

The House Committee on Human Services will hold a public hearing on Proposal 5, proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Vermont regarding the right to personal reproductive freedom, on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the House Chamber and on Zoom.

Members of the public are invited to testify regarding the Legislature's work on Proposal 5. Individuals wishing to testify may do so in person or by Zoom. Please register to testify at You must specify if you intend to testify in person or by Zoom.

To ensure there is enough time for everyone to speak, we are asking that remarks be no longer than two minutes. We welcome people to submit testimony via e-mail to Please indicate in the subject line Proposal 5 Public Comment.

If you plan to attend and need accommodations to participate, please contact the Sergeant at Arms at 802-828-2228 by January 21.

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