Help Remove Invasive Garlic Mustard at Shelburne Bay Park May 24

Past event
May 24, 2014

What's the problem? - Large patches of invasive garlic mustard are growing at Shelburne Bay Park, most prevalently on the Allen Hill Trail. If no action is taken they will crowd out our beloved spring flowers like trillium, spring beauty, bloodroot, hepatica, trout lily and Jack-in-the-pulpit.

What can we do about this? - It's not too late to control this menace by pulling these patches before they go to seed (in about 1 to 2 weeks) and then continue to follow-up every year until the patches are gone.

When and where? - A group is meeting this Saturday May 24th at 9 AM at the 1st parking lot of Shelburne Bay Park. Instructions and garbage bags will be provided. Please wear sturdy shoes because parts of Allen Hill Trail is rocky with loose gravel. (Heavy rain date - Sunday May 25th at 9 AM)

Please call or e-mail Fran Cohen to RSVP or with questions or just show-up. Your help will be greatly appreciated by all nature lovers. The more people show up the quicker we will be finished!

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