Full Moon Snowshoe Walk at Birds of Vermont Museum

Past event
Feb 15, 2022, 6 to 8 PM

Take a walk through the museum's forest and meadow. Explore the nighttime forest with us. What happens after sunset in a Vermont winter?

If weather permits, we will have a fire and hot cocoa outside at the end of our walk.
If it's too cloudy, we'll try again the night before the next full moon : March 17

Walk led by Erin Talmage, Museum Director and Wildlife Biologist. Outdoors: dress for the weather. Masks required if indoors.

Recommended: red plastic to cover the lens of your flashlight.

Suggested donation : $5 – $15 dollars
Max: 10 people • Register at https://birdsofvermont.org/event/full-moon-snowshoe/

Birds of Vermont Museum
900 Sherman Hollow Road • Huntington, Vermont 05462
(802) 434-2167 • museum@birdsofvermont.orghttps://www.birdsofvermont.org

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