Development Review Board Meeting

Past event
Jan 18, 2022, 7 to 9 PM

Hinesburg Development Review Board Meeting Agenda
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Tuesday, January 18, 2022

To participate in the meeting via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 850 5246 9757 Password: 123456
Dial in: +1 929 436 2866 (long distance number – charges may accrue depending on your calling plan.
Email Mitchel Cypes ( if you have difficulty connecting at meeting time.
Watch live: or on Comcast Channel 17 or 1084.

1. Agenda changes

2. Review minutes of the January 4, 2022 meeting

3. Gary & Mary Thibault – 08-01-73.600 – Subdivision revision application to modify a building envelop for their property located at 312 Pinecrest Road in the AG zoning district.

4. Anup & Meena Dam – 09-02-34.200 – Minor subdivision revision application to modify the landscaping on the Abani Drive development common lot in the RR2 zoning district.

5. David & Danielle Johansen – 09-01-47.170 – Sketch plan application for a 2-lot subdivision of a property located on the east side of Lavigne Hill Road in the RR1 zoning district. Access to the proposed new lot would be the driveway for 552 and 554 Lavigne Hill Road.

6. Robert Farrell – 06-01-41.110 - Subdivision Revision to move the building envelope on a 38.7-acre property located at 1773 Texas Hill Road in the RR2 zoning district. Continued from 12/7/21.

7. Extension Request – Hinesburg Center II/David Lyman Revocable Trust – 08-01-06.320 – Preliminary Plat review of a 46-acre property located north of the Creekside neighborhood in the Village and Agricultural Zoning Districts. The application was approved on February 16, 2021.

8. March 1, 2022 Meeting – The first-floor conference room will not be available due to an election.

9. Decision Deliberation - Russell Family Trust – 09-01-50.000 – Development on a private right of way application

10. News/Announcements/Correspondence

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